In an effort to enhance the quality of scientific publications in ATM Journal, we are pleased to inform you that starting from Volume. 8 No 3 , a Double Blind Review process will be implemented for all submitted articles. This step is taken to ensure objectivity and credibility in the article evaluation process.

As part of the Double Blind Review implementation, two important actions must be observed:

• Removal of Author List: The authors’ names and affiliations will not be included in the version of the article sent to the reviewers to maintain anonymity.
• Removal of Declaration: Any author declarations related to contributions or statements will also be removed from the version of the article assigned to the reviewers.

We encourage all authors to prepare their manuscripts carefully, following the guidelines for the Double Blind Review. Further information regarding this guideline can be found on the official website of ATM Journal.

We sincerely appreciate the cooperation of authors and reviewers in improving the quality of our publications. Thank you for your attention and contributions.

Best regards,
Dr. Rahul Bhandari, PGDBM., M.Com., BCA., B.Com
Editor in Chief, ATM Journal.

It was informed to all visitors to the ATM Journal, that at this time the ATM Journal had reopened the acceptance of articles for the period September 2024 on Edition Vol. 8 No. 3

The revision process from the Editorial Board or reviewer through by OJS and email.

For further information, please contact: 0857-7883-4017


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